Monday, March 23, 2009

If You Don't Use It, You Lose It 2

Once again I have found something that I was quite good at before that I can no longer do. Today it was the Rubik's cube.

All throughout college, I was able to solve the Rubik's cube in under 2 minutes. I solved it so many times that the stickers would rip off, so I would have to buy another one. I went through four Rubik's cubes during my time at Cal. I even taught some friends how to solve it.

Today I was hanging out with Phil and found Mikhael's Rubik's cube on his counter. While driving to pick up Shelley, I was able to do the top two rows easily, but I was completely unable to do the bottom. I tried to figure out but to no avail. So sad. Maybe a friend who I taught can teach it back to me? Please?

Hopefully I haven't lost anything else. :(


Rita said...

aw, nicky... you'll get it back.
i still can't solve that bottom row/bottom side if it's any consolation.

Richelle said...

yep..i almost forgot too so now i purposely try to solve it every once in a while. i can def show you how...afterall, i did learn from you (by virtue of pass staff).

miss ya! (=

Owen said...

don't worry man.

despite what the saying says, i once forgot how to ride a bike.

i'm serious. i could do it in first grade, but had to re-learn it a few years later.