Friday, January 30, 2009

"Hey! That's ME!"

Have you ever read a book, or watched a movie, or listened to a song and said to yourself, "Hey! That's ME!"? I'm sure you probably have.

A few times in my life I've said that to myself. I said that to myself late last night/early this morning while reading a book. It was almost exactly what I've been experiencing and feeling for a while now. I won't mention which book because some of you die hards might actually get the book and try to decipher who/what I'm talking about. And I won't confirm or deny any speculations.

Really, the book, or movie, or song does not matter in the point I'm trying to make. The point is this: It's nice to know that others have followed the same path or thought the same thoughts that I have. It makes me feel connected to people, people who I haven't even met.

That's pretty darn cool.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Why should I have to live up to your expectations? I'm fine the way I am.