Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

My dad and I took my lolas out to Mother's Day brunch. I thought it was delicious and I think they enjoyed the outing as well.

However, Mom was unable to join us because she was working. She works at the Intensive Care Unit at Sharp Hospital in Chula Vista, the same unit where I spent over two months being treated for a Lupus flare-up last year. My mom being a nurse there really made the recovery a lot easier. She knew the doctors and nurses (a lot of them being her long-time friends). She was active in how my treatment proceeded.

But for all the advantages her past experience brought, it also meant that it took an even harder toll on her. This is because as an ICU nurse, you understand all the medical jargon. You are always told to think of the worst that can happen to your patient. It's one thing to think the worst can happen to a patient, quite another to think that of your child.

When Mom came home tonight, she told me of the patient she was assigned to today. Her patient was a 20-year old girl with Lupus. The girl has been in the ICU since mid-April. The girl's mom had been asking to speak with my mom, apparently because the girl's mom was told of a nurse who had a son with Lupus. I'm sure my mom gave her some good advice.

My mom doesn't know I have a blog (I don't even think she knows what blogs are), so she'll never read this. Nevertheless, this one's for you, Mom.